Sunday, April 26, 2009

Seems Like Forever Ago...

We took these pictures right before Cadence was born:

Doesn't Tony just look thrilled (as usual) to have his picture taken?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Some Firsts for Cadence

First time on her activity mat - its really funny because she always looks like she's staring at herself in the mirror in the flower (really she's just looking off to that side, which is the side she really prefers to look to, even on her changing table - go figure):

First time "helping" Mama and Daddy outside "in the garden":

First time in a manly-man store (Lowe's):

First ride in the truck (although you can't actually see her... I promise she really is in the carseat):

First day at church:

First time outside (obviously these pictures are out of order... but I'm too lazy to put them in order...):

Friday, April 3, 2009

More Cute Pictures of Cadence for Your Veiwing Pleasure

Getting ready to go home from the hospital:

Crying because we were taking her picture (mean Mama!):

Doesn't she look so sweet and innocent?

Hee hee... One of my favorites:

Daddy with his precious baby - she really likes her Daddy:

Yeah, I'm cute...

Looking mildly drunk...

In her cute little pink dress:

Another peaceful sleeping moment - notice how its the only time her mouth is shut? Wonder where she gets that from...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Grandma Chancellor's Birthday

For Grandma's birthday we had a surprise lunch at A Spot for Tea. It was fun, she didn't realize what was going on until she saw everyone, so the surprise was a success.

All of her daughters, daughter-in-laws, granddaughters and granddaughter-in-laws that lived in town were there, except Rosalie, who sadly had to attend a funeral that day.
The tea shop is really pretty, and all the tables are decorated with lovely flowers.

More guests:

More guests:

More guests:

Some food:
All of us together, except Nicole is blocked my me... I kept asking if they could see her, and they kept saying yes, so let it be known it's not my fault ;)