Thursday, May 3, 2018

Happy 2nd Birthday Harmony!

We had an... interesting... day around here yesterday. But Harmony had a pretty good day anyway, especially the parts where she made us sing Happy Birthday twenty zillion times. And then insisted we sing it to ReC too. Because two year olds can do that. So here is how to have a happy 2nd birthday, by Harmony:

Make funny faces at breakfast. Be sure to eat your favorite foods. This step is crucial. 
Let your siblings teach you how to hold up two fingers. Proceed to spend the entire day screaming, "NO! I'M ONE!" and holding up one finger anytime someone comments on you being two now. 
Smash your sister. Take great delight in the process. 
Look cute. Don't smile when the camera is out. 
Be pretty anyway. And soft. And snuggly. 
Finally smile, but *shhh* only because Mommy poked you with a stick.
Refuse to come inside, so your whole family has to go on the front porch for gifts. 
Open gifts like a champ. Throw a ball at your brother repeatedly. 

Get all excited because your big sister drew your favorite thing ever - Pete's groovy buttons.
Stay clear of the four-year-old, who has had a rough day, but is now happily drawing a rainbow t-shirt design that she wants to sell in all sizes. 
Get a gorilla hug from your brother.