Happy birthday to my sweet baby! She's four today, you know. And I just can't believe how fast the time has flown by. Cadence is sweet, spunky, talkative, creative, and funny. She loves to perform, pretend, and learn. If she can find a willing reader, she will sit and listen to books for hours. This is the only pause in her movement on any given day.
So far today has gone something like this....
X Jump on the bed for thirty minutes, with intermittent pauses to 'fall' on Mommy for snuggles
X Help make scrambled eggs for breakfast, sitting on the counter and adding lots of salt and pepper
X Drink chocolate milk from a boot shaped cup, with a twisty straw
X Recieve several happy birthday phone calls
X Listen with delight as Daddy's band plays "Happy Birthday" over the phone
X Pretend to be a polar bear cub, abandoned in the Arctic with no mother or father
X Be fed bites of turkey for lunch, while driving tricycle around kitchen pretending to go to Sonic
X Make cupcakes
X Play upstairs unsupervised (I tried to be good in the closet, Mother, but instead I pulled everything out)
X Skip nap in favor of quiet time
Coming up soon on our agenda:
____ Switch car seat for big girl high-back booster seat, and let James have old car seat
____ Ice cupcakes
____ Bacon and pancakes for supper
____ Open gifts sitting on the table
____ Eat cupcakes
____ "Tell Daddy I am four!!!!!!!!!!!"