Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Happy 4th Birthday ReC!

Hard to believe another year has flown by with this sweet girl. She is our sweet, sensitive, smart, sanctifying child, with a wild imagination and fun, mighty spirit that makes every day an adventure!

Birthday breakfast - colored scrambled eggs and muffins.

With her tiger from when she was born.

We see this look a lot. It's usually followed by "Well...." and a long monologue with much hand gesturing. 

One of my favorites. 

"Wha...?! James, you are crazy, wrapping this up and giving it to me."

"And really funny!" 

She finally got her 'boy doll with hair' His name is - *drumroll* - Soft Hair. 

Birthday supper, which she chose in large part because she can make quesadillas herself, but also because STRAWBERRIES!