(I'll post his younger brothers when Kristina gives me some new pictures, all mine are old enough they don't look like that anymore...)
So, just like the rest of the world, I've been sick with the flu the last few days. Curious? Hypochondriac? Here's some of the symptoms going around:
High Fever (mine was 102)
Achy limbs (the worst was my hands - how do your hands hurt from the flu anyway?)
Severe Headache (well, mine was severe)
Puking (thank the Lord this didn't apply to me)
Diarrhea (ok, I'm sure you ALL wanted to know that one)
Sneezing (oh wait, that's all under congestion)
Chest Pain (like someone really fat is sitting on you)
That's my little ray of sunshine for the day - anyone else have any symptoms to add?