I got tagged, so I guess I'll do this :)
Book Meme Rules
1. Pick up the nearest book ( of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.
Mrs. Dunwoody's Excellent Instrucions for Homekeeping
by Miriam Lukken
In the annals of my guest books I have record of them all. And those precious hand scrals of all shapes, sizes, and varieties, like the people who inscribed them, are as unique and unforgettable as memories can be. And so, my precious chrildren, you must begin your guest books right away!
I was technically reading The Seer and the Sword when I got tagged, but I returned it to the library, and this was the book closest to me when I started to blog today. It really does have some excellent tips in it, and yes, I have read it. :)
Now - I tag Kristina, Misti, Jill, Gary, and Lesa, because they all have fun blogs.
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