Tuesday, March 31, 2009

First Sunday at Church

Here is Cadence, all dressed up for her first day at church:

And all of us together after church:

We put the carseat in the playpen so the older kids could look without being too rough :)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Three Week Tiger Pictures

Wow, we're actually caught up on tiger pictures! (Ok, for the day... then it will be time for her four week ones) Here is week three :)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Two Week Tiger Pictures

Here is Cadence when she was two weeks old, posing with her tiger:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

One Week Tiger Pictures

We've decided that every little bit (for now, every week) we will take pictures of Cadence next to this same tiger so we can see how she grows. Here are the first pictures:

Monday, March 23, 2009

Cadence Pictures Round Three

Daddy, let me tell ya... I am lovin' the cuddles!
Little bitty hiding feet!

Look - I have hair!

I'm so cute... yeah.. I know...

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Our pool sprung a leak! It was a really big leak too - the size of a hammer!

...Actually, we decided the pool was not worth the cost of upkeep since we didn't really have enough time to spend in it. The pump was totally worthless (it's dead... and would cost more to repair than we can spend...) so we just put a hole in the side of the pool to drain it. Our plan is to sell the sides as scrap aluminum to see if we can get at least the cost of disposing the thing out of it. It was fun while we had it but... bye-bye pool! (We'll only kind of miss you...)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

St. Patricks Day

Cadence wore her cute "Luckily I look like my Mommy" shirt for St. Patrick's Day. One of the tables at her baby shower at church made it for her - thanks ladies!

Monday, March 16, 2009

First Bath at Home

Cadence had her first bath at home on Tuesday the 3rd of March. She really doesn't mind her bath too much, she only cries through very little of it. She also doesn't mind having her diaper changed, in fact, she kind of seems to like the whole process.

Getting started:

Mama... what are you doing to me?!?!

In her very cute froggy towel:

Finally finished, getting all cozy and wrapped up:

Friday, March 13, 2009

Cadence Pictures Round Two

I expect most of our posts will be about Cadence for a little while... I wonder why? ;) She kind of rules the roost right now!
Here she is one of the few times she was awake those first days in the hospital:

Mama holding her:

Back to sleeping - she slept a lot the first several days. The first night home from the hospital was scary, because she actually cried all night and we hadn't really heard her cry all that much yet. But after that she still did pretty good, she would actually sleep several hours at a time, even at night. Having her hearing tested - it looks scary and wierd, but its not, they just play soft beeps into her earphones and measure the brainwaves in response. It's totally worth it to get intervention early if there is a problem, which thankfully there's not:
Nana holding her in her going home outfit: Gramma holding her in her going home outfit:

Papa holding her:
The grandmas trying to figure out how to fit all the nice stuff we got onto the cart so we would only have to make one trip in the elevator:

Cadence all bundled up and ready to face the outside for the first time:

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Cadence Is Here!

At last, the wait is over! Ashley Cadence was born February 27th, at 7:48 am. She was 6 pounds, 6 ounces, and 20 inches long. We are all doing very well, and feel abundantly blessed to have such a wonderful healthy baby.

Wide awake and happy!
Perfect little feet!

Cadence sleeping after her first bath.

Mama looking kind of drunk, but happy to have Cadence.