From the Mouth of Babes
Last night while we were at Mom's* helping with Karlea and Rylea, I was messing around, and snuck up behind Tony and kicked him. Of course, his immediate reaction was to kick me back, so I start hollering "He kicked me, he kicked me!" So Karlea goes running up to Mom, and starts hollering along too - and then Tony kicked her in the rear! (Gently of course) So Karlea's hollering, "Nana, He kicked me! He kicked me!" and Nana says, "Karlea, say 'Shame on you!'"
So what does Karlea do? She turns around, glowers at Tony, and says, "Shame on me!"
Update on Baby Will
Baby Will is doing much better. The valve in his heart they were concerened about closed properly yesterday, and at two this afternoon they are taking him completely off oxygen. Praise the Lord! He will still have to stay at the hospital for monitering, but he is doing infinately better. Kayla is in a lot pain right now. The doctor thinks it is just from trying to get up and around too soon, but she could still use prayer.
Tony and I have been staying with the girls a lot in the last few days, and are realizing all over again how much fun it is to be around little kids. They have behaved very well for us - its actually making us think maybe we might be ready to have kids sometime in the relatively near future. :)
We hope everyone is doing well and having a great weekend!
*Just a refresher, Mom is Tony's mother, Mommy is my mother, Papa is my father, and Dad is Tony's father.
So, is that some kind of announcement, or what? :-)
Just thought I'd get the rumor ball rolling. You know somebody has to. :-)
Maybe I'll send you the boys for spring break. That should cure that for a while.
I am so happy to hear that Will is doing better.
Wow! I am soooo slow. Was he named after Willie?
Wow... I agree... we could start ALL SORTS of fun rumors with that information.... ;-)
That is a funny story, though. he he... :D Is Karlea feeling better now?
Ok - rumor dispelling coming right up. I AM NOT PREGNANT.
- Kristina, you're more than welcome to come for spring break, just don't send the kids by themselves ;D
- And yes, Little Will is named after Tony's Dad (hence calling him little/baby Will instead of just Will)
There... I think that was everything :)
Sorry, Sally. I already bought the tickets. They only had 3 available. So, I'll send you the flight number and times.... He, he
Aack - I mean, um... sure, ok, we have a nice padded, I mean, um, painted, room, they can stay in...
J/K, I love my nephews :)
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