Ok, we had our ultrasound today, and everything is looking great. She's still right on track for her due date and measuring like she's supposed to. The ultrasound said she weighs 2 lbs 14 ounces, but the lady that did it for us said it could be a few pounds more or less than that.
We did learn a few things about Cadence today:
- She's camera shy. Everytime the 4-D thing got close to her she turned her head back and forth and put her hands in front of her eyes.
- She sticks out her tongue a lot.
- She never stops wiggling!
- She also appears to never shut her mouth (go figure with us for parents!) :)
- She still has her poochie belly, and nice round cheeks, as well as a double chin!
Kari's friend did the ultrasound, and she printed us lots of pictures, but I only had time to scan my favorites today. Here they are:
This is her profile, with her cute little nose -

Here she looks like she's smiling :) -

In this one you can kind of see her tongue sticking out, and she's rubbing her left eye (both of which she did off and on the whole time we were there) -
I'm glad she's still a girl. ;) Adorable.
That's cool!
Yeah, We were really glad she's still a girl too - I mean think of all that pink stuff we've already bought! :D
Seriously though, I have had these really random worries that we'll be in the hospital and the doctor will hold the baby up and go "It's a boy!" This ultrasound was VERY clear though, definately girl parts, so I can stop having an identity crisis :)
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