So here's our schedule for the weekends until January (starting last weekend):
*Please don't feel obligated to read the whole thing... its rather long :)*
Friday the 16th - Saturday the 17th: Tulsa for Thanksgiving with Mommy* and family
Monday the 19th: Blood drive 3:30 (Which I totally forgot about and therefore did not go to) Tony had to do the lights for the play at his school so we went up to Belle Isle at 6:30 and I sat and watched Alice in Wonderland while he worked (poor guy)
Today: Christmas shopping! But before that we have to get his '66 Mustang out of the garage and make sure the last tinkering fixed the water lead so he can put it back together tomorrow - it runs great, but last time they left off some sealing, so they had to take it back apart to fix that.
Wednesday: 10:00 Help Mom with the grandkids' projects. Every year she had all the grankids and their cousins (So this year there will be about 8 kids) make a project for their parents for Christmas. While I'm doing that, Tony will change the oil in the truck and put the Mustang back together.
Thursday: Sometime in the morning we'll go over to Grandma Chancellor's and eat lunch, then the girls will go to Garden Ridge and the guys will do whatever till we get back... then we'll eat leftovers and go home.
Friday: Leave at 5:00 AM to go shopping with the girls... Tony will hang out and get some much needed sleep. Evening - help Mom decorate 7:00 - Young people are getting together to practice the Christmas Play
Saturday - Meet at 10:00 to pass out Revival invitations. THEN FREE DAY!
Tuesday the 27th: Tony's Jazz Band will probably play at a basketball game.
Wednesday - Sunday: Bro. David will be bringing a revival nightly.
Saturday the 1st: Maybe go to Tulsa to help Stef and John fix their bathroom.
Friday the 7th - Saturday or Sunday: Christmas in Texas with Mom's Family
Monday the 10th: Tony's Jazz Band plays at another basketball game
Somewhere in here: Tony's string quartet plays at the mall with the Choir
Thusday the 13th: Either a band or orchestra winter concert (can't remember which)
Friday the 14th - Saturday: Christmas in Tulsa with Mommy's Family (probably)
Tuesday the 18th: The other of the band or orchestra has their winter concert
Thursday the 20th: Tony's jazz band plays at yet another basketball game - probably the last this year
Friday the 21st: Children and young people's Christmas play at church
Monday the 24th: Christmas at Grandma Chancellor's - About 50 people opening presents one at a time... you can guess how long that takes....
Late that night: Go to Tulsa
Christmas morning: Christmas with my immediate family
Christmas afternoon: Back to Moore for Christmas with Tony's immediate family
Somewhere in here: Game night with Tony's siblings
January the 5th: (I think its this weekend) Christmas with the Newberry's (Mommy's Mom's Family)
Whew! Then we get to rest from the holidays!
Hope you guys** are having a slightly less chaotic but just as fun holiday season.
*Mommy is my mom, Mom is Tony's mom... just a bit of code there :)
** Except Jill - too many baby preps and trabel plans for less chaotic!