So. A little behind the times techie wise, eh? Ah, well, such is life!
I was tagged by the bestest sister in the whole wide world, Kristina at
Freedom Lover's Academy. Here are the rules:
*Tell 11 facts about yourself.
*Answer 11 questions asked by the person who tagged you.
*Tag 11 people to answer 11 questions you ask them.
I will do the first two... unfortunately, the only two people I know in the blogging world right now have already been tagged! So, I will come up with eleven questions, and if you stumble across this and want to answer in the comments, my nosy self would love to read your answers! Or, consider yourself tagged and leave a link to your blog :)
1. I am tired. I try not to let this fact dominate my life, and I certainly try not to complain about it too much. I happen to be one of those annoying people who need about ten hours of sleep to bop out of bed happy and rested - and at this point in my life, my sleep is not in my own hands. Thankfully, God has given abundant energy for all I need to do around here. And, hopefully, I haven't been
too grumpy... you'll have to ask Tony!
2. I love to read. Pretty much anything. Tonight I am excited because I unpacked my Madeline Brent books, as well as Sawdust in His Shoes. Time for some rereading!
3. I have been studying and seeking the Holy Spirit in my life. I am so blessed God has given me a thirst for Him! This has been a major victory for me spiritually, and I
know it is only through God's blessings and grace!
4. Our bedroom is a wreck, for the first time ever, because I have been bringing in boxes from the garage to unpack in the airconditioning. It is driving me insane. Our room has always been our sanctuary from the mess, so I am looking forward to being done with this project.
5. I love to travel. I like wandering through airports, flying, driving, seeing new things, exploring new places.
6. I really miss hiking. The climbing, the exploring, the being out in the woods by myself. I miss the dinky little Collinsville lake where we use to spend time wandering through the trees and underbrush and finding little crevices to cram ourselves in.
7. I can't decide how I want to decorate the kitchen/dining room/living room. I know some details I want to incorporate, but I'm having a hard time tying them all together. So if you come visit, be warned, it's not decorated, and won't be for a while, because I'm giving myself time to think about it and mull it over. So there.
8. I really love slightly sweet iced tea. It makes every day a little brighter.
9. The last three months have been really great for me. Stressful at times, crazy busy, and challenging, but also fun, productive, and full of energy. It's great.
10. I'm not ready to have another kid yet, but I don't think I would be completely horrified if we would up with another soon.
11. We finally went and bought stuff to work on the kids rooms, so my summer to-do list is
And now the questions:
- How are you preparing for the zombie apocalypse?
Well, zombies scare me, so I try not to think about them. I am, however, putting together my own version of a 72 hour kit. Four of them, in fact. One in our closet for tornadoes, one in the garage for ice storms, one to grab in case of fire, and one for general evacuation emergencies. I've been using this website for ideas.
- Do
you remember your dreams? If so, what do you dream about the
Oh gracious, yes. Vividly. I dream about anything and everything, some wildly unreal, some all too realistic. The dream I hate the most, and unfortunately have rather often, is one where Papa is alive but we find out he is dying. Or he has already died, but for some reason he shows up and we get to spend time with him, but we know it won't last. The details of this dream vary greatly, but that's the general theme. I use to have 'running away' dreams all the time - running away from fires, volcanoes, explosions, etc. Hmmmm.... I wonder if these dreams have anything to do with fact number 1??? I do often have good dreams too, but they don't stay with me as strongly. The main good one involves being a spy. A secret spy. Like, so secret, not even the government of the country I work for knows I exsist.
- If
you could live anywhere in the world, assuming teleportation was available and
cheap, so that visiting friends and relatives in far off places would be easy,
where would it be?
Ok, this is kind of pathetic, but I would live in Collinsville, or someplace similar. Country landscape, freedom to run wild and barefoot, small-but-great-actively-involved-in-the-community-library, and close access to suburb shopping and big city music and plays.
- Did you ever want to be a pioneer to settle other
Mmmmm. Maybe. It would depend on who was going and how much interaction I would have to have with them.
- Cake or pie?
Yuck. Cookie all the way!!!! Although, my recently discovered favorite cookie (Mind you, I have lots of favorite cookies) is made with a cake mix. (I like it with Craisins instead of raisins.)
- If
you could pick one chore, and never have to do it again, what would it
Cleaning out the van!!!!!! Will someone please come clean out my van for me? It is pleading for help!
- City or country mouse?
City mouse. I know, I know, I will always be country in my roots, but I just love the convenience of city. See number 3.
- Shoes or no shoes?
No shoes. Ever.
- Would you accept your invitation to
Um. Probably. I would rather accept my invitation to a top secret spy academy.
- What do you like in your smoothies?
Bananas. Strawberries. Nothing with seeds.
- What is your favorite form of
exercise? Swimming. Basketball with small teams. Hiking. Running in circles around the living room singing nursery rhymes rates pretty high too.
My questions for you:
1. Are you are reader? If so, do you read one book straight through with no interruptions, or do you have multiple books going right now?
2. What do you stay calm and cool and collected about that most people seem to worry/freak out about?
3. Are you afraid of the dark?
4. What do you do to relax?
5. What kind of music do you like?
6. Target, Wal-Mart, or avoid them like the plague?
7. Does it irritate you to go to a grocery store and not have your groceries taken to your vehicle?
8. Kids, babies, pets, all of the above, or none of the above?
9. Cooking or eating out?
10. Do you take a lot of pictures?
11. Do you follow the news?