Thursday, October 18, 2012

First Haircut

Tonight I am sitting here trying not to pout about the beautiful reddish-blonde curls I just carefully picked up off the kitchen floor. I guess I should just be thankful he has hair to cut, since his sister didn't have hair till she was three!
Here is before, with his wild wooliness...
And here is after...

Ok, I have to confess, the first thought I had when I saw this picture was, "He's so CUTE!" And then... "WHOA!!!! HIS EARS STICK OUT!" Ha! Love this boy. And don't let this big smile fool you, he crawled all over Daddy and turned beet red crying, just in the ten seconds I spent on him!
Note: I didn't do a full haircut. For one thing, he doesn't really need it since this looks fine, but mainly I wanted to keep the time short. I just slipped the one inch comb on the clippers and went straight up the sides from bottom to about where his part is. Quick and easy :) Maybe next time we'll try for a taper!

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