Sunday, October 28, 2012

This is Your Brain {A Post About Cadence}

Remember those D.A.R.E. posters that said, "This is your brain... this is your brain on drugs?" I always think of those when Cadence goes into her berserk "I can't function because my system is completely messed up" mode. The most recordable, starkest contrast is in her art and coloring.
Cadence is very artistic, and loves to paint, draw, color, build, and mold things. She also loves to write pretend letters, and trace real writing. When she is well, she will spend endless time carefully laboring over a picture she has gotten out to work on. When she is not well, she quickly scribbles, then is done. She never initiates art, and will not trace or try to write. This summer, she was not well. At Bible School in June, they had all the children sit on the pews and color while they waited for class to start. Not pretty.
This transformation is typical of all aspects of her life when she is not doing well. She goes from sweet, easy-going, fun loving, intellegent Cadence to crying all. the. time., fit throwing, inflexable, angry, unfocus, disengaged Cadence. It's seriously like a brain on drugs. So, I made a 'poster.'
This is your brain:
This is your brain on constipation:

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