Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tiger Pictures



Remember Tiger Pictures? A long time ago I posted about how we've been taking pictures of Cadence with her stuffed tiger at certain ages. We started with every week (the one above is 5 days), then monthly, and now every three months. It's been a ton of fun!

Now Cadence is 15 months old - and wow! What a difference. When I was putting her on her changing table to take her picture (it's the only place she'll lay still without us holding her down and her crying) I noticed she stretches touching end-to-end now. This will probably be the last tiger picture there! Then I started looking at her old tiger pictures. She was so little! Ok, she's still little - not even on the charts - but she seems so big to us!

1 comment:

Kristina said...

She's a little peanut! We love her!