Thursday, April 21, 2011

March Pictures Round 2 of 2

And here is the second half of March, which is only half a month late ;)

This is where I have been finding Cadence if I have to wake her up (which I try to avoid). She no longer sleeps swaddled, but she still has to have TWO blankets. It doesn't matter which two - but there have to be two. As you can see, it's certainly not so she'll stay warm all night :)
My little Macoroni and Cheese addict. She gets it from the pantry and screeches for it the whole time it's cooking and cooling down. For this reason I avoid opening the pantry in her presence.

I have been having help with supper almost every night since the beginning of March. In some ways it has actually been helpful. Knowing she's going to start begging to 'Stir! Stir!' as soon as she wakes up from her nap has motivated me to have everything ready when she wakes up, which makes supper a lot easier when it is finally time to assemble and cook it.

The bathtub baby? It also gets its diaper changed a lot.

Working on her writing. She LOVES to write, with a pen, in my notebook. It's much better than coloring in her opinion. She very carefully traces up and down the red line on the side, then when all the red lines are traced, starts trying to trace my words. It makes it kind of hard to read what I've written, but I figure it's good for her motor skills, so I just smile as I squint.

We've been learning about the first Easter starting the last day of March, starting from Jesus entry into Jeruselum and going through his ascension. It has been very fun and informative... and Cadence is really cute Donkey :D

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