Friday, April 29, 2011

Elephant Tracks - Free Digital Scrapbooking Kit

The other day someone gave me an absolutely adorable toy elephant for James. I could not resist this elephant. And so I made my very first digital scrapbooking kit. That was an adventure! Lots of tutorials later, I have a very unprofessional kit to share with you :) I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Here is a preview - there are a few more variations included of a few of the elements:

Here is the brag book I made for Tony and I using this kit:

You can download the kit here - let me know what you think, and please tell me any problems you encounter! Remember this is my first attempt at anything like this, so be kind please :)

I'm not sure how long I will leave this available, we will see what happens!

Terms of Use: You may add textures, shadows, etc. for your own use. Please send people to my blog to download the kit rather than sharing with them. For private use only.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Fun

I wasn't going to put any text on this post, but I have to say - Cadence LOVES her new Bible, case, notebook and pens, so she can be just like Mama and Daddy during church - without stealing all our stuff!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Very Special Dress

Nonnie made this dress a long, long time ago. When we found out we were having a girl, Mommy kindly gifted us with this dress. I was so excited Cadence grew into it just in time for Easter!

These are brag book pages I made for Tony and I - enjoy!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Finding Her Inner Monkey

Cadence has been experimenting with new ways of climbing onto furniture. For instance, her preferred method of getting on our bench at church is the chimney climb. She braces her back against our pew and walks her feet up the pew in front of us (sorry Bro. Alex and Sis. Maria!). When her feet get to the top, she flips them over her head and onto our pew. Ta-da!

At home she's been climbing two dining room chairs at a time instead of one, pausing on each rung to throw her hands up and yell "Up High!"

The couch has been posing problems for her. She really wants to figure out a way to go feet first, with her belly against the couch. This requires lying down on the floor in front of the couch and scootching backwards up it. Unfortunately she can't go all the way, so she winds up standing on her head giggling like a maniac.

On a somewhat related note, I was trying to get her out of "No" mode one day, so I was asking her things I thought she would enjoy to try to get her to say something other than no. It wasn't working. Finally I said, "Do you want to stand on your head and quack like a duck?" So she did.

All I can do these days is laugh.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

April Pictures

We've been busy this month!


Still learning about the first Easter - and playing in our new chairs:

 Pretend feetwashing / communion to try to help Cadence understand what Jesus did. To simplify it to her level was hard. I wound up saying, Jesus wants us to do this so we remember Him.

 Mud is yummy!
 Cadence dictating which color pen Tony should use, and for how long.
 Unofficial, laid-back, non-successful start of potty-training:
 Tony is 29!!!
 Old geezer...
 Teddy bear gets the same treatment baby dolls do, but with less holding. He is, after all, as big as Cadence.
 "Juice for you, milk for me..."
 "Mama, Juice, Mouth!" (Look Mama, I gave the teddy bear some juice in his mouth!)
 Playing in the sprinkler:
 Grace is growing rather rapidly...
 Cadence likes to make the dog get in the crate. She points and grunts....
 And Grace obeys. Amazing.

 A fun new game with Daddy - lean back....
 ... and fall forward!

 What do you mean I'm too bright today with my hot pink striped dress and my hot pink polk-a-dot flip-flops??!
 Practicing with scissors:

We've also had some company, gone to Tulsa, let Tony get caught up on his make-up snow hours at work, and generally ran around like chickens with our heads cut off. We saw baby bunnies at Tractor Supply, waved to the cow (MOO MAMA!!!!) at Chick-Fil-A, and went to Makanaka's 3rd birthday party. Cadence put a paper Jesus in and out of a paper tomb about twenty million times. Tony went to a softball game at work, and I finally finished organizing Cadence's baby memorabilia.

Whew - on to the rest of the month!