Last week Cadence finally
got to enroll in Kindergarten.
You know, like she’s been dying to do since she was two-and-a-half. Seriously. No
It was kind of a stressful week. You see, she had known for
months that the Monday after her birthday she would get to go inside her school (Finally!) and enroll
for school this fall.
Monday was a snow day.
Tuesday was a snowday.
Tuesday afternoon Cadence prayed earnestly for God to clear
all the streets so they would have school on Wednesday. Thank the Lord He answered
– I’m pretty sure she would have spontaneously combusted if they had cancelled
school again.
Now, she actually handled the delay pretty well, all things
considered, for which I am grateful, since she normally has huge major issues
with anticipation anxiety (hopefully more on coping with that later). But by
the time we got home from the big event Wednesday, she was pretty wiped out emotionally.
I tried having her jump on the trampoline, to try to expend
some energy, but she was so tired from staying up until midnight and waking up
at seven (anticipation anxiety anyone?) that she just physically couldn’t do
it. So instead I busted out her new art kit and told her to draw her new
school. It worked.
I love art. Don’t you?
She calmed right down, and was able to play and interact like a real, actual human being for the rest of the day. She even took a nap.
She was so excited to
discover a crayon called – wait for it – Brick Red to color the elementary. She
claimed the school as her own you see, and made me write in teeny tiny letters
on the sign on the door “School Enrollment Next Week – Snow Day!”. Pretty sure
she was working through a bit of tension with that one :P She really worked
hard, drawing the flagpole on the right, and the column and ‘shelf’ she stood
on for her picture on the left. She decided it was a sunny, summery day, and
that her school needed several flowers.
Here is the finished product.

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