Sunday, October 9, 2011

September Pictures Round One

I'm sure it's annoying to be swamped with pictures at the beginning of every month, but this is the only way I actually get around to sharing pictures with out-of-town family. So deal with it ;)

Helping Daddy sweep up - Cadence is still our little OCD slave girl... she loves to work, and she loves to make things nice and neat!

A little laid-back time... could there actually be a moment of peace here?!

Cadence is really into shower-baths recently - and here she is typing on her pretend computer, doing very important work.

Some brother/sister photos. Apparently it is even MORE difficult to get two children to stay within camera range than it is to get one!

"I love mine baby brother James"

This is James' version of swaddling - arms up by his face! He only swaddled till about 6 weeks. It was either swaddle him and put him on his back, or don't swaddle him and put him on his tummy. Any other way and he would wake himself up waving his arms around.

He takes bottles - YAY!!!!! This makes even everyday life easier, because it means I can play with Cadence or put her to sleep, and not have to interupt to feed James, because Tony can do it!

I don't think he likes the hairstyle Daddy gave him after his bath....

Watching the rain with all her friends. She is DESPERATE to go across the street and play with the kids - I guess I'm going to have to get over my shyness and go introduce myself to the parents so she can. For now though, her pretend friends will do.

James' first tub bath. He loved it! He didn't even fuss at Cadence washing his hair.

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