Sunday, January 29, 2012

Thank You Rosalie! (And a Side Note About the Camel)

This is Cadence’s Christmas present from “Megan” (a.k.a. Rosalie) – a Sweet Shop playhouse. It is awesome. Cadence loves it. Need we say more? Well… yeah, cause it has some pretty cool details ;)

The door that swings open and shut. The sign on the front that can be turned around to say open or closed. The windows you can actually see through, but have mesh to keep the frames from getting stretched out by toddlers pulling on them. The curtains and lollipops (which Cadence licks with alarming regularity). The ice cream cones and cupcakes that can be pulled off and put back on for pretending or matching fun.

Thank you Rosalie!

Now for the camel. The other day I was working in the kitchen while Cadence rearranged her magnetic manger scene (thank you LTD Commodities for your clearance section!), when I hear…

“Mama, look! The wise man is riding camel! Look out wise man – camels SPIT! Pth! Pth!”


Kristina said...

Oh Rosalie, that is really quite awesome.

Yes, camels spit. They also sit rather abruptly. Be sure he's strapped in!

Someday Suzy said...

The Sweets Shop is incredible!!